
Clothing house for men and women named after one of the founders, José Antonio Caramelo. In 1969, three Galicians, Luis Gestal, Javier CaŒas, and José Caramelo, opened a factory for high-quality raincoats in La CoruŒa. The first product was called Antilluvia. Two years later, the production was diversified into three men’s lines: Tommy Harrods trousers, Chelton jackets and overcoats, and Yale jerseys. The 1980s saw the distribution of the brand’s men’s and women’s lines in the Spanish market. Today, in the La CoruŒa plants, the creative staff consists of some thirty designers. There are 718 workers who manufacture 1.5 million pieces a year, distributed in Spain and 27 other countries, including Saudi Arabia, the Philippines, Jordan, and China. In 2002 the turnover was €78 million.