
Victor (1929). Polish photographer. Born of a Russian mother and a Polish father, the family moved to the US when Victor was 7. He studied photography at the Art Institute of Chicago and then at the Moholy-Nagy Institute of Design. In 1952, he opens a studio in Chicago and from 1963 began working for Estée Lauder. He also did photographic campaigns for Valentino and Nikos, for Vogue Italia, Town & Country and Interview. Through photography, he continually explored images of the human body, creating elegant and provocative nude compositions that have a surrealist influence.
&Quad;1999, September. Skrebneski: The First Fifty Years was published by Edition Stemmle on the occasion of a retrospective of his work at the Museum of Contemporary Photography in Chicago. The book recounted the first fifty years of his career in the world of beauty and fashion. His work can be seen in the permanent collections of the Museum of Contemporary Photography in Chicago, the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, and the Museum of Modern Art in New York.