
Grazietta Butazzi was an historian of fashion with a long career connected to cultural institutions in Milan. From 1976 to 1990 she was a consultant for the Fashion and Costume Collection of the Civiche Raccolte di Arte Applicata (Municipal Collections of Applied Art) at Castello Sforzesco. She collaborated on exhibitions and catalogues of the Museum Poldi Pezzoli (1922-1943: Twenty Years of Italian Fashion, and Italian Velvets of the Renaissance), and of the Comune di Milano (The 1700s in Lombardy). She taught History of Fashion at the Domus Academy from 1985 to 1990. At present she is the editor at the Museum Poldi Pezzoli of Notizie Soffici, a newsletter about initiatives in fabric and fashion that includes bibliographic updates. She also worked on the following exhibits: Fashion Trades of Venice with the Museo Correr; Anziehungskrafte. Varieté de la Mode 1876-1986 with the Stadtmuseum of Munich; The Clothes for the Body, the Body for the Clothes with the Museo Stibbert of Florence. She has published several books, including: Il costume in Lombardia (Electa 1980). Moda Arte Società Costume (Fabbri 1982), La moda italiana in two volumes edited with Alessandra Mottola Molfino (Electa 1985), Giornale delle nuove mode di Francia e d’Inghilterra in three volumes (Allemandi 1989), the Idee di Moda series in 9 volumes edited with A. Mottola Molfino (De Agostini), and Storia della Moda (Calderini 1995).