
Expert and author in the interdisciplinary fields of fashion, show business, communications and design

Malossi Giannino (1954). Expert and author in the interdisciplinary fields of fashion, show business, communications and design. He began working with Elio Fiorucci in the 1970s. He has curated exhibitions and written publications that develop his research. These include Il senso della moda (XIV Milan Triennale, 1979), Tipologie dei comportamenti (Venice Biennale — Special Projects, 1980), Ricerca sul Decoro (Centro Domus, Milan 1981), and the volumes Liberi tutti, vent’anni di moda spettacolo (Mondadori, 1987), This was tomorrow. Pop design da stile a revival (Electa, 1987), and La regola estrosa, cent’anni di eleganza italiana (Electa, 1993). From 1996 he has directed the Fashion Engineering Unit at Pitti Immagine, a center researching the economic value of creativity. He has curated exhibitions and written publications for this project, including Il motore della moda (The Monacelli Press, New York, 1998), Volare, l’icona italiana nella cultura globale (The Monacelli Press, 1999) and Uomo Oggetto (Abrams, New York 2000).