Reboux, Caroline

Caroline Reboux was a French designer known for her brightly coloured veils, silks and woven hats.

Caroline Reboux
Caroline Reboux

Caroline Reboux (1840-1927) was a French milliner, born in Paris,  discovered by Princess Pauline de Metternich, wife of the Austrian ambassador to France. It was she who began to bring her models into society and, thus, to lead the way to the wardrobe of Countess De Pourtalés, Countess Virginia di Castiglione and Empress Eugenia de Montijo.

In 1870, the designer opened an atelier in Rue de la Paix (in 1900, she had 100 workers), becoming the undisputed queen of Parisian millinery until the First World War. later in 1920s, tired and aged, she left the management of the fashion house to Lucienne Rebaté, a former collaborator of Chanel. which put an end to cloche hats and instead proposed hairstyles that shaded the face.

Her clients included actresses such as Greta Garbo, Arletty and Marlene Dietrich who wore those creations in the 1937 film The Countess Alexandra. Thereafter, Reboux fashion house closed in 1956. Three hundred of Madame Reboux’s dresses are kept at the Musée de la Mode et du Textile in Paris.

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