Caruso Annalisa

Annalisa Caruso. Italian designer. She is definitely a unique case in the panaroma of fashion. Her passion is mixing art and fashion. She has always been inspired by the world of art, ranging from American abstract expressionism to Matisse and contemporary artists. Her 3-year license from the Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, obtained after a strict selection process, required her to take the Foundation’s needs into account when designing her Collections. For three consecutive seasons she created only a women’s line, but now she produces shoes and a men’s line as well. In 2002, in the classroom of an auditorium in Rome, she recreated the atmosphere of Warhol’s Silver Factory and of the fabulous 1970s in New York with a performance set in rooms with mirrored walls. Grotesque models, sitting in small plastic swimming pools like dolls or robots, presented a static Collection of evening dresses and skirts in synthetic fabrics covered with silk-screen prints of Marilyn Monroe. There were T”-shirts and petticoats with the world’s most famous soup can reproduced on a background made of pages from the newspaper that also had Monroe’s picture, and black skirts with red-cross embroideries, swollen by layers of chiffon with a picture of Elvis in the background.