

The birth of shoemaking

Rivolta is a Milanese made-to-measure shoemaker’s shop. Founded in 1883, it had a shop window in Via del Gesù where Enrico stood out for the excellence of his creations. At the behest of his son Franco, the business moved to Via Verri where it remained until it closed in the 1960s.


2009, the boutique in Via Spiga

It was not until 2009 and the intuition of Fabrizio Rivolta, Group CEO and owner of the Calzoleria as the founder’s great-great-grandson, that the atelier reopened its doors. In March, the boutique in Via Spiga 17 was inaugurated, where historical models such as the Blake, Goodyear or Norvegese can be ordered today as they were a hundred years ago, relying on the professionalism of skilled craftsmen.

The Sign Your Last System

But the real plus comes from the combination of tradition and technology, because only here is the last for the made-to-measure shoe made using the SYL System # (Sign Your Last), a patented software method. By reworking complex algorithms, a digital scanner makes a three-dimensional copy of the foot that the customer has inserted into the machine. Thus each last is identical to the original, can be checked and modified from time to time and bears the owner’s signature.

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Rivolta (Italian Version)

Fratelli Rossetti