Ljubov Popova 1889-1924

Ljubov Popova (1889-1924) was a Russian painter

Futurism and Cubism (Popova traveled to Italy and frequented Metzinger’s studio in Paris) prompted her to participate in the artistic avant-gardes of her country.

From 1914, she abandoned painting to devote herself to the creation of clothes and textile motifs, transferring the geometric compositions of her paintings onto fabric. She began teaching at Svomas in ’18 and, in ’21, at Vhutemas, whose ideological and practical intent was to bring art closer to industrial work. In 1922 she took part in the productivist group of Inkhouk and worked in the editorial staff of the magazine Lef. From 1923 to 1924 she worked as a designer in the First Printed Cotton Factory in Moscow.

Here she invents new types of decorations with geometric figures and abstract symbols in a chromatic range with pastel tones. They are not models for the masses, but for the nomenklatura. When the problem of mass production arises, any complacency in the name of technological functionality is forbidden: cuts and details in line with the technology of the machines used by the clothing industry.Lyubov Popova.jpg

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