Altieri Academy

Altieri Academy was founded in Rome in 1973, it is in a palazzo on via S. Nicola da Tolentino 50, just steps away from Piazza Barberini and via Veneto. It instructs students in the various creative fields and has expanded its offerings to include the latest job categories, from design to digital photography, from cosmetics to fashion and photo modelling, from graphic design to advertising and web-design. The method is at the same time practical and theoretical. The school’s slogan is “Learning while working and working while learning.” Since 1983, at the end of each school year, there is a traditional event, Una sera d’estate (A Summer Night), organized to facilitate contacts and job offers for the best students. Each year since 1994, timed to coincide with the fashion shows in Rome, the Academy has presented the Collections of its recently graduated designers, and at the same time the school’s fashion models make their début. The most creative designer is given the G.B. Giorgini Award, named for the creator of the Italian runway. The Academy has for years promoted the big event “Giovani stilisti internazionali a confronto” (International Young Designers Competition) which has been hosted by, among others, Franco Ciambella, Micol Fontana, Helietta Caracciolo, Bruno Piattelli, Irene Galitzine, Marella Ferrera, Paola d’Onofrio, Camillo Bona, Grace Pearm, and Urbano della Scala.