Reynaud, Alain

Alain Reynaud (1924-1982): French designer

Alain Reynaud (1924-1982) was a French fashion designer. He was Jacques Fath’s right-hand man. For him and his wife Geneviève he designed the allegorical Aurora costumes for the legendary ball given in Venice in 1951 by Charles de Bestegui and he directed the Maison Fath in New York.

Alain Reynaud and Biki (1959)
Alain Reynaud and Biki (1959)

He then accepted the invitation of the Milanese stylist Biki to join her in the creative work of the fashion house and became – in the 1950s – the Pygmalion of the client Maria Callas, whose taste in clothes he revolutionized: not only imposing a sort of decalogue on her (what clothes to wear and when), but also giving a structure to her wardrobe, cataloguing and numbering it so that the famous soprano would never have problems choosing clothes and matching them with the right accessories.

Alain Reynaud, Biki and Maria Callas (1958)
Alain Reynaud, Biki and Maria Callas (1958)

He dressed Jeanne Moreau for Antonioni’s film La Notte. In the late 1960s, he initiated the first fashion joint venture with Japan, founding Biki-Japan.

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Reynaud, Alain (Italian Version)
