acid house

The Acid House movement in 80s-90s

Acid House, a youth movement riding the wave of disco funk music

Acid house
Acid house

A youth movement that followed disco funk music, very electronic with a psychedelic sound. It appeared in England in 1989-1990. It was minimalist in dress, anti-fashion, featuring strong colors, fluorescent T-“shirts, casual clothes, fabrics printed with the symbols of the era, and “a smile”.

It was, above all, a new way of life, with large musical gatherings in unlikely places and locations (similar to today’s “rave parties”). It shared ideals with the hippy movement of the 1960s and ’70s, a society parallel to the existing one but outside traditional values and rules, where everything was allowed.

It emerged in England in the years 1989-’90. Minimalist attire, anti-fashion, very colorful, fluorescent T-shirts, sportswear, fabrics printed with the symbols of the time, “smile.” But above all, a new way of life, large musical gatherings in unlikely venues and places (akin to “rave parties”).

The speed with which acid house exploded in the summer of 1988 took everyone by surprise. Initially, it was thanks to word of mouth: those who experienced these parties in London, Manchester, and Sheffield came out changed and felt a desperate need to evangelize their enlightening experience.

Devotees were now recognizable outside the clubs, on buses and on the streets, clearly betrayed by their way of dressing and hair styling. Groups of friends were now divided into those who had already had their mystical vision and those who had not yet converted, but the number of the former quickly began to surpass that of the latter.

The ideology is similar to that of the hippies of the ’60s-’70s, a parallel society to the existing one, but outside of any framework and any norm, where everything is permitted.

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